Kunshan Bright Point Research CO., LTD!

    Silicone without substrate

    High end OCA products are currently in the hands of Korean and Japanese companies. Although China is catching up, basic research on materials cannot be achieved overnight.
    Compared to traditional acrylic OCA, our company has planned to invest in the production of silicone OCA from the beginning. Currently, we have completed eight sets of silicone OCA products under different conditions in our laboratory in Taiwan, and we plan to invest heavily in production on our new production line in China.
    Related applications include touch modules, especially for military equipment/aerospace equipment/instruments in extremely cold weather. Currently applied to the Apple Watch!
    Silicone OCA, one of the most critical components of the product, is the fluorine release film!
    With over ten years of experience in producing fluorine release films, the company has been developing industry-leading fluorine release films with different processes. With this excellent wet coated fluorine release film, various substrate free silicone series products have been developed, which are widely used in industries such as electronics, acoustics, healthcare, and building materials.