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Scratches on mobile phone screens can be automatically repaired or will be achieved before 2020

What should I do if my phone screen is broken or scratched? Get a new phone - no money! Get a new phone screen - no money! Will it be used—— Not happy. Then what shall I do? How to repair scratches on mobile phone screens? Don't worry, automatic repair of scratches on mobile phone screens will be possible before 2020.
Recently, a group of chemists at the University of California, Riverside announced that they have invented a mobile phone screen material that can self repair scratches. They conducted various tests on this new material, including testing its ability to repair cuts and scratches. In the test, they cut this material in half and found that they were reconnected in just 24 hours.
It is understood that this material has strong ductility and can be stretched up to 50 times its original size. This material is composed of a stretchable polymer and an ionic salt, which forms a special adhesive force, also known as ion dipole interaction, which is a force that exists between charged ions and polar molecules. This means that when this material breaks or scratches appear, the charged ions and polar molecules in the material will attract each other, thereby achieving the goal of repair.
This is the first time that scientists have developed self-healing materials that can conduct electricity, especially suitable for mobile phone screens and batteries.
Nowadays, some mobile phone manufacturers have used a similar material on the back cover, but those materials cannot conduct electricity and cannot be used to produce mobile phone screens. Most mobile phones have an electrode network below the screen, and when you touch the screen, your fingers can form a complete circuit with them, thus achieving the purpose of operating the phone.
Researchers expect that this self-healing material can be used to produce mobile phone screens and batteries before 2020.
Self repairing materials may seem far from practical applications, but if this material can be successfully used to produce mobile phone screens, it will give our phones even more performance. Technology changes our lives, and I believe that all of this is not far away from us.