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Industry News

Analysis of Some Problems in the Development of Polyester Film in China

Polyester film is widely used in packaging industry, light industry, photosensitive materials, magnetic recording materials, agriculture, etc. due to its excellent mechanical and physical properties, optical properties, and good airtightness. Due to the excellent insulation performance and chemical resistance of polyester polymers, polyester films are also widely used in electrical insulation and electronic industries.
At present, polyester film can be used for the following purposes: magnetic tape (recording, video tape, computer tape, instrument tape, floppy disk) tape base, film base, photosensitive film base, printing film base, card protection film, credit card film, laser anti-counterfeiting marking film, musical instrument eardrum, car sunshade paper film, hot stamping film, color printing composite packaging film, hot stamping aluminum plating film, etc. With the continuous expansion of application fields and the gradual deepening of application levels, the market demand for polyester film is rapidly increasing year by year. But currently, there are still the following problems in the development of polyester film in China.
(1) The development of China's BOPET industry has seriously deviated from market demand.
Market demand needs to be adapted to our national development stage. Only when there is a dynamic relative balance between production capacity and demand can this industry develop healthily. However, the capacity expansion of our BOPET industry has been almost nuclear fission like, with a doubling in the past five years.
(2) The repeated introduction of production lines lacks uniqueness and innovation.
The introduced production lines are concentrated in the field of composite packaging, with repeated introductions and no distinctive features. In the past five years, there have been 17 BOPET film lines introduced from Germany alone, with similar specifications and product types, and film thicknesses ranging from 8 to 75 μ m; The structure of the film is 1-3 layers of in mold composite (mostly ABA structure); The winding width of the film is between 6.2 and 6 7m, maximum mechanical speed 350m/min. This leads to prominent structural contradictions in products, single variety and quality, overlapping markets, competing for territory, competing to lower prices, and vicious competition; And we still need to import products with certain added value.
(3) Polyester resin has an oversupply and no price advantage.
As the main raw material of BOPET, the production capacity of polyester resin fully meets the demand, and even exceeds the supply, but there is no price advantage compared to the international market. The processing cost per ton of polyester resin in China is about 30 US dollars higher than that in South Korea and Taiwan, and the self-sufficiency rates of its main raw materials - PTA and EG - are only 36 About 3% and 30%, mainly relying on imports, which increases the raw material cost of polyester resin by about $100 per ton. Of course, this part of the price will be fully or partially transmitted to BOPET film. However, China's BOPET film mainly consists of ordinary films, and in order to open up the international market, it can only rely on price advantages. Price advantages must be supported by cost advantages, otherwise it will be dumped. Therefore, China's BOPET industry can only survive by domestic sales.

(4) Enterprises do not have their own research teams and experimental facilities, fear risks, and are unwilling to innovate.
Many enterprises in our country are unwilling to invest in research and development, and the BOPET industry is no exception. Due to the slow effectiveness and high risks of research and innovation investment, most enterprises do not have their own research teams and experimental facilities. The research on differentiated polyester that is compatible with the development of specialized films has just attracted our attention and is just starting, let alone industrialization. The research on manufacturing technology has also been neglected, and among so many introduced manufacturers, only Yizheng Dongli purchased a 0 8 ×0.  8's experimental stretching machine. Expanding the application areas of BOPET film requires an environment and process, so most companies do not have their own unique products or the ability to create high value-added products, which means they lack core competitiveness.
From 2000 to 2005, China's polyester film developed rapidly and entered a period of high-speed expansion. To this day, there are still four problems in the development of polyester film in China. To avoid being eliminated in the fierce competition and reshuffle of the market, enterprises must overcome difficulties and stand out.